Monday, June 22, 2009

Zagreb - Croatia

Here are lots of photos of Zagreb.
Me! in front of St Mary Cathedral.
Kava, I learned that if you just order coffee, you just get coffee, without any milk, it is very bitter, they give you lots of sugar to go with it! Know I know to ask for "Kava sa Mljelo"

We left my bag in a locker at the train station while we did a little tour of Zagreb, after lunch it started pouring and we had to run back to the station to get my bag!

This cute little kitten was meowing from a closet in the hostel, we tried to take care of her and bring her back to life.

Cherry Beer from Belgium

A night out with new friends in Zagreb, Dashu from CS and his friends behind, Charlie and Kristina from my hostel and me!

Flower Market and blue skies!

Cheap good food and my Hostel Nocturno is on the left

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you are having a great time! Keep the photos coming! That Cherry beer is my favorite beer - not kidding. Wish I could get it here in Munich!
